This program will be composed of various parallel sessions including the best of the submitted abstracts, lectures from special guest speakers, and joint sessions held with multiple international scientific society experts (AATS Postgraduate Course, STS, EACTS, and the African Society) invited from all over the world. Whether you're an experienced surgeon, have just started your career, or still in training, there will be a vast amount of content designed to keep you up to date in the rapidly evolving field of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. More details concerning our online conference plans will be forthcoming, so please visit our website to keep up to date.
Friday, June 4, 2021
12:45pm Controversies in Valve Reconstruction - Co-Chair: Ismail El-Hamamsy, MD
1:12pm Masterclass: A Lesion Specific Approach to Mitral Valve Repair - David. H. Adams, MD
Saturday, June 5
3:00pm Aortic Valve Repair - Ismail El-Hamamsy, MD