Dad-to-be learns he had a heart attack after days of ignoring symptoms: 'Thought I was healthy'

Baboolal works at Mount Sinai Health System, and his supervisor urged him to see a doctor. In addition to his shortness of breath, Baboolal’s blood pressure and pulse were elevated, and his primary care doctor told him to go to the emergency room at Mount Sinai Queens. Doctors ran tests and noticed a fluid buildup in his lungs, a sign of congestive heart failure due to a blockage in his heart.
The father-to-be was "very sick," Dr. Ahmed El-Eshmawi, a cardiovascular surgeon at Mount Sinai who treated Baboolal, tells “We found out after he got to the hospital that he had a heart attack. He was in congestive heart failure.”
Page Created: February 21, 2024
Last Updated: February 21, 2024