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October 12, 2011
Kelly C.

Dear Dr. Adams,

Remember that woman from Idaho? It's been nearly seven years since I walked into your office in 2004 and met you and your staff. My life has changed so much in ways I could never have imagined.

Seven years ago I got winded climbing the 7 steps between levels in our house. I sat on the floor to move laundry from the washer to the dryer. I wore socks in 95 degree weather and my feet were still cold. You get the picture.

I have never been an athlete, but a year after surgery I started trying various ways of exercising. I eventually pulled out my son's old bike and found it to be a joy. I love riding out in the country by our house.

I have biked in West Nyack, NY, Minneapolis, and I have biked the Mt. Vernon trail in Virginia. In 2008, I joined my sister biking in the Prouty event in Hanover, NH and biked 50 miles. In 2010, I had the opportunity to do a bike tour in Sydney, Australia and bike over the Sydney Harbor Bridge. This past May, I joined some friends at an event in Libby, MT and we biked 46 miles one day and 38 the next.

Besides biking, I have also taken up kayaking slow rivers and lakes and I am enjoying hiking the mountains with my husband again. Friends who knew me before the surgery still marvel at the change in me.

From the moment I was told to stand up after surgery and move my feet I could feel that I was better. Walking the hospital halls was even pleasurable! The amazing repair you did and the care of all the nurses and your personal staff got me to whwere I am today. Everyone made sure I knew what was going on and trated me as if I was one who was special. For that and my new life I thank you all.

Thank you all,

Kelly C.




Page Created: December 11, 2017 Last Updated: February 01, 2018