Lindsay D.

To Dr. Adams and Staff:
Thank you cannot express the feelings I have for you and your team. Throughout this entire journey we have taken, your team of doctors, nurses and technicians were always supportive and reassuring. The ICU Unit and Step Down Unit made it instrumental for her recovery. Your skills and knowledge have given back to me my wife, Lindsay, of 50 years with the hope to spend another 50 years with her. You and your team were always there with optimism and comforting words that helped my daughter and myself get through the most difficult time. The continuous visits from your staff and in your words, "We will go slowly with one step at a time", gave us the hope that we would get through this. Each day was another hurdle and someone was always there to see her go over it. The clergy was also always there to lend an ear and give us some spiritual comfort during this most trying time.
I will always keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers and thank God for what you have given back to my family and me.
Very Truly Yours,
Harry D.
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