XXIV All-Russian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons of Russia
Moscow, Russia

Traditionally the scientific program of the Congress includes a wide range of topical issues of modern cardiovascular surgery, cardiology, anesthesiology and resuscitation, nursing, history of cardiovascular surgery, lectures of the leading specialists from abroad and from the Russian Federation, satellite symposia and conferences, as well as the competition for the best scientific work presented by young researches.
Professionally focused sections of RACVS plan to hold “Round tables”, conferences and symposia on the following topics: “Pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery”, “Neonatal cardiac surgery”, “Cardiology and imaging in cardiac surgery”, “Cardiac anesthesiology and cardiac critical care”, “Extracorporeal circulation”, “Surgical treatment of pulmonary hypertension”, “Acquired heart defects”, “Ischemic heart disease”, “Arrhythmology”, “Transplantation in cardiovascular surgery”, “Phlebology and lymphology”, “Sociology and jurisprudence in today’s healthcare system” and “Economics of cardiovascular surgery”.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Mitral Valve Repair for Bileaflet Disease - David Adams