Cardiac Anesthesiology

Our team of cardiothoracic anesthesiologists are leaders in transesophageal echocardiography as well as clinical outcomes. The Cardiac Anesthesiology group consists of Board Certified Anesthesiologists who are specifically dedicated to the care of cardiac surgery patients. Their constant dedication to these surgical procedures allows us to optimize your care and make your procedure as safe and rewarding experience for you as possible.
The Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at The Mount Sinai Hospital is very academically involved in both national and international professional societies and symposia, and our attendings have authored numerous definitive textbooks and textbook chapters in the field of cardiac and thoracic anesthesiology. Areas of active research currently include: neurological outcomes in cardiac surgery, coagulation and hemostasis, pediatric cardiac anesthesia, geriatric cardiac anesthesia, new pharmacologic agents and monitoring technologies.
Advances in knowledge derived from the community of academic anesthesiologists have revolutionized our practice, making anesthesia a much safer intervention. As an academic Department of Anesthesiology, the primary mission is the provision of superb clinical care in an environment of uncompromising patient safety, while also striving for leadership in education and research.