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This list is provided solely as a service to our users. We do not review, monitor, or endorse the content on the linked sites and are not responsible for the content found there. Consult a health professional before taking any of the advice that you have found online.

Adam's Heart Valve Surgery Blog 

Adam Pick blogs about heart valve replacement and heart valve repair. 



A patient education and support program launched by the American College of Cardiology. Their mission is to engage, inform and empower patients to better prepare them for participation in their own care. 


Health on the Net Foundation 

HON's mission is to guide internet users to reliable understandable accessible and trustworthy sources of medical and health information.


Heart Valve Journals

Now, all patients with heart valve disease can have a free, online journal to write about their experiences, post pictures and keep their friends and family updated on the patient's diagnosis, surgery and recovery.


Medline Plus

What should you look for when evaluating the quality of health information on websites? Here are some suggestions from the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the national Institutes of Health.


Mount Sinai Heart

World renowned physicians provide innovative approaches and advances in cardiac care.


STS Heart Surgery Terminology

STS Patient Information is created and maintained by members of the Society of Thoracic Surgerons (STS). It provides information about diseases treated by cardiothoracic surgeons.

Page Created: January 16, 2018 Last Updated: January 16, 2018